While being one of the NFL's top quarterbacks has its advantages, there's one thing Tom Brady says he doesn't like about the job: reaching under a center's sweaty butt to grab the football. In addition to being just plain gross, Brady says repeatedly reaching under a sweaty caboose can leave him with wet hands -- and that can affect his throwing precision. The six-time Super Bowl champ's teammates are well aware of the issue and have tried in vain to stop it from happening. "I have actually tried to train my body not to sweat," center David Andrews says. "I would sit in the sauna and just try not to sweat. It didn't work." So Brady has come up with a way to tackle the problem on his own. When the center starts getting overheated, he grabs a towel and stuffs it down the back of his teammate's pants. "He literally stood behind me, took his hand, and stuck the towel down my pants," Dan Connolly says. "I walked around that game, feeling like I was carrying a loaded diaper the entire time. It was the most uncomfortable thing, but he was so crazy about not getting his hands wet that he would stuff sh** down our pants." When was the most inappropriate time you've broken out in a sweat? Do you have a life hack for stopping perspiration?
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