I Don't Care About Your Made Up National Holidays

I don't care that today is National Grilled Cheese Day, you know why? Because its not national grilled cheese day its just a Thursday, and sometime long long ago in the days before I graced this lovely blue tennis ball we call earth that's all it was. 

Now don't get me wrong I'm a big Holiday guy. 

Christmas? Love it, who doesn't like presents and watching the same movies for the 60th time. 

Thanksgiving? Next level fun, because your just watching football and trying to hide your level of intoxication until after dinner so you can go pass out and not be judged by your rich Aunt who lives in Rye 

Halloween? Amazing, I dress like an idiot anyway so now I just blend in

However, these National Holidays have gone too far. Now I'm not a big social media user, so in turn I'm not checking my Facebook feed 12 times a day to see what today's National Day of (Insert Random Thing) is. 

And this week it came back to bite me, worse than that time I thought it would be a good idea to become a radio host. 

And then I see this on Tuesday Night.......

Now I look like the bad brother for not posting a picture on Facebook or Instagram. Why do I look like a bad brother? Because I didn't know this day even existed! And this isn't the first time either.....

You would've thought I ran over Mrs. Deej's Puppy when I missed National Girlfriend Day, and that took me 6 months to dig out of.

The worst part? This is bound to happen at least 7 more times this year. Just look at the National Days coming up below.

Here's a list of them just for the next couple of days......

April 13th

National Make Lunch Count Day

National Peach Cobbler Day

National Scrabble Day

National Thomas Jefferson Day

National Blame Someone Else Day 

 First Friday the 13th of the Year

National Donate Life Blue and Green Day

April 14th

National Gardening Day

 National Dolphin Day

National Ex Spouse Day

National Pan American Day

National Pecan Day

National Reach as High as You Can Day

April 15th

National Glazed Spiral Ham Day

National Rubber Eraser Day

National Take a Wild Guess Day

National Tax Day

National Titanic Remembrance Day

So here's the deal, if you need the social media posts and celebrations for random s*** I get it, do your thing, let your freak flag fly. But don't expect me to know this stuff, because here's a fact for you I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR MADE UP HOLIDAYS. And I'm a good brother......well kind of

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